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Institute for Investor Education
Market Analytics
Markets and Weather have a lot in common.
Both will experience many different environments.
Along with Canterbury Investment Management, we have developed our own proprietary Stock Market Research. Using a combination of technical and volatility indicators, we identify a security as either Bullish, Bearish, or Transitional. Bull Markets are characterized as low risk; Bear Markets are high or unlimited risk; and Transitional Markets are somewhere in between- risk is falling or rising.
Bullish (Low Risk)
Transitional (Rising/Falling Risk)
Bearish (High/Unlimited Risk)
Sector Rankings
As part of its proprietary research process, Canterbury rates and ranks a universe of Exchange-Traded-Funds (ETFs). Canterbury ranks ETFs on a risk-adjusted basis, accounting for both a security's movement and volatility (risk level).
US S&P Sector Ranks
As of 8-16-2021
Percentage of Stocks in Bull, Bear, or Transitional Market States
As of 8-6-2021
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